2011年5月17日 星期二


Via Mark Thoma, Brendan Nyhan catches the Tax Foundation trying to disappear some apparently accidental honesty.

The story goes like this: the Wall Street Journal had a deeply dishonest editorial claiming that taxes on the rich can?t help with out budget problems. (Are you surprised?) There were actually multiple problems with the editorial; Jonathan Chait pointed out that it repeatedly compared apples with oranges, that if you actually read the numbers straight the editorial disproved its own point. None of this was surprising.

What was surprising was that the Tax Foundation, which normally produces a fair bit of disinformation itself, actually published a blog post pointing out that the chart accompanying the editorial was a classic case of how to lie with numbers. Was the Tax Foundation actually taking a stand for intellectual honesty?

Well, guess what: the blog post has now vanished ? although not before a number of people cached it. As the people at Heritage could have told them, memory holes just don?t work like they used to.

Obviously someone at the Tax Foundation forgot what their job was: they?re movement conservatives, and they?re supposed to serve the movement, not point out inconvenient facts.

And in a way we should be grateful for this episode, which clarifies what the Foundation is really about for anyone who might have been confused.

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Will President Obama confront Republicans and say no to budget blackmail?

Seniors, Guns and Money

Those promises of no new taxes will mean savage cuts to benefits for older Americans.

The Unwisdom of Elites

The anatomy of a top-down disaster.

Fears and Failure

Washington looks for trouble in all the wrong places while the unemployed are left to suffer.

Springtime for Bankers

Republicans are ensuring that bailouts will be bigger, costlier and more frequent.

Dot Earth
New Tool, and Tune, for Tracking Fracking

If you live in shale-gas country, there's a new tool for getting information on materials used in developing nearby wells.

Schott's Vocab

Demonstration protesting the idea that "provocatively" dressed women are to blame for sexual assaults.

Source: http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/05/17/apparatchiks-2/

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