2011年5月20日 星期五

911 system is restored in San Bernardino County’s High Desert, Verizon says

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Emergency 911 service has been restored in San Bernardino County's High Desert area, a spokesman for Verizon said Thursday evening.

Tens of thousands of residents in communities including� the Victorville area, Hesperia, Apple Valley, Barstow and Adelanto were unable to make 911 calls for several hours after a city crew in Barstow drilled through a Verizon fiber-optic cable about 1:45 p.m.

"We've since restored that service," Verizon spokesman Les Kumagai told The Times.

San Bernardino County Fire Department spokeswoman Tracey Martinez said that wireless 911 service was still not working in the Apple Valley area.

Earlier, people who dialed 911 got a busy signal, officials said.

Kumagai said some voice and Internet services were still down as crews attempted to fix the damage.

"These cables are pretty heavily damaged," he said.


Tens of thousands unable to use 911 system in High Desert

911 system knocked out of service in San Bernardino County

? Robert J. Lopez

Twitter: @LAJourno

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Source: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/05/911-system-high-desert.html

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