2011年6月12日 星期日

Three sickened at Hollywood Bowl

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Three people at the Hollywood Bowl became sick Saturday night and were taken to the hospital, but there are conflicting reports about the cause.

Matt Spence, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Fire Department, said the patients were reported to have overdoses. Sgt. Raul Jovel, watch commander at the Los Angeles Police Department?s Hollywood station, said the most likely cause was food poisoning.

The incident was reported shortly after 7 p.m. during the 33rd Annual Playboy Jazz Festival.

One person was taken to the hospital in critical condition, while the condition of the other two was moderate, Spence said.

Authorities provided no further information about the case. Officials with the Hollywood Bowl could not immediately be reached for comment.

-- Alexandra Zavis

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Source: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/06/three-sickened-at-hollywood-bowl-.html

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